
Teaching students about agriculture is one of the most admirable jobs anyone can do to help young people understand where their food comes from.

NSW Association of Agriculture Teachers aims to support all teachers and educators involved in advancing agricultural education in NSW. This website aims to provide a contact point for contacting the association and for membership needs.

For any enquiries, please go to the contact link in the menu, or the Become a Member page.


Membership of NSWAAT has the following benefits:

  • Access to Bi-Annual NSWAAT Conferences held throughout the state
  • Access to Bi-Annual National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) Conferences held around Australia
  • Receive the quarterly BAAT Newsletter of NSWAAT
  • Access to the NSWAAT Facebook group for Professional Discussion related to syllabus and teaching practical + theoretical aspects of agriculture
  • Access to the NSWAAT Google Drive with shared resources created by Agriculture Teachers across NSW

Why teach Agriculture?

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